Sunday, August 21, 2011

Day 1 of blogging and random babbling

Well, after just a short 3 hours of trying to figure out how to set up a blog (I am not very tech savvy at these things), we landed here. For months I have promised people that I would become better at blogging and posting photos, especially with our impending bundle on the way!

So right now, Martin, Jake, and I are sitting in the office with our brand new desk enjoying a quiet and peaceful morning. This is one of those times that I have referred to as the 'calm before the storm'. The house is in order, laundry is done, groceries are purchased, nursery is complete, etc. We are just waiting for the arrival of Miss Madelyn. Tomorrow marks 38 weeks on this journey. We are hoping to make it to 39 weeks, next Monday, August 29th, so that my parents will be here to celebrate her birth. They are driving from Michigan and leave on August 27th, so I have promised them I'll do my best to keep baby in belly until then :) Dan and Beth have rented out a condo in Tucson for the next year, as they anticipate long stints out here to spend time with their first grand baby. We are very excited that we'll have both sets of grandparents and one set of great-grandparents nearby! We'll also have a second set of great-grandparents (all the way from England!!) with us for the first month of her life too!!

While we wait, we'll just keep to life as normal. In addition to both of us working full time (I plan to work pretty much right up until I go into labor), Martin is also going to grad school at the University of Arizona for his MBA. He will be done about a year from now. He'll be a very busy daddy! We're not really sure if Jake will know what hit him, considering he has been the center of attention for the last 6 years. We think he'll be quite the protective little dog over Madelyn; he's already made a nice home for himself in her room. Each day I find dog toys and bones on the rug, hehe.

Martin and I have found a new game that we LOVE to play. I'm sure it's old news to some of you, but WORDS WITH FRIENDS is the best thing ever. In fact, the last several nights, we have literally sat on the couch next to each other with our phones and played this Scrabble-like game against ourselves. He has beat me every single time. Apparently I'm not so much the best at word game strategy. As we speak, we have three games going on.

We have also discovered a new favorite show on TV called 'Chopped' on the Food Network. Aside from HGTV and DIY Network, Food Network is probably our favorite channel. When we find a favorite show, we have a tendency to record every single episode and then watch them all in one sitting, thus running out of new episodes to watch very quickly. We've found ourselves quite disappointed over the last week as we've recorded several Chopped re-runs. Wah wah.

I will take some pics of our house and the nursery, and maybe even share a belly photo or two. I'll post these very soon.

Megan & Martin

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