Monday, August 22, 2011

The baby's room!

Martin is at class as we speak, taking a mid-term, so I've decided it's time for another blog update.

This one is a peek into Madelyn's nursery! It's just about complete, the only thing we're still waiting on is the glider chair.

For those of you who knew our home before baby, you knew that this room (what is now the nursery) was one of our spare rooms with baby blue and chocolate brown decor, complete with all baby blue walls. And before we knew if we were having a boy or girl, we knew that this room would become the nursery. It became our goal to make the blue walls work with our theme, regardless of baby's gender. So here is our best shot at creating a little girl's room with baby blue walls :)

Her crib. Thank you to Auntie Joanne for letting us borrow the beautiful crib!

Side view of crib

Dresser/changing table

Her name. My mom (Mimi) bought us the letters and Sharron (Nanny) and I hand painted them.  Lots of work, but well worth it!

Another view of her name and an adorable wicker chair that a sweet lady at work gave to us

The rug, just because it's cute :)

We were so blessed to have a family friend custom create the dressers for Madelyn's room. They are the perfect size and color! We also asked him to create a desk for us too, since Martin is busy with his studies, we needed a designated 'work space' for our office. Here it is:

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