Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Last day

It's my last day of being home with Madelyn before heading back to work tomorrow. So this is my last morning of a semi slow pace before absolute chaos ensues - when we try to get ourselves fed, showered and exercised, Maddie fed and dressed, Jake walked and fed, bags packed for mommy and for Maddie, and out of the house by 8:15 am....everyday. Whew, I'm exhausted just thinking about it.

Last night we tried to get Madelyn through the night without a feeding; her 4 am wake up times are killer on the ole sleep schedule! Per usual, she woke up almost on the dot at 3:58 am. But this time, instead of hopping out of bed to feed her, I rocked her and patted her tummy (per Chelsea's suggestion) to get her to fall back asleep. It worked! She was back to sleep within 30 minutes. Now, if only mommy and daddy could fall back asleep right away. Both Martin and I lied wide awake in bed for another hour. UGH!!! We'll work on it :) Anyway, Maddie didn't wake up again until 6:30 am - perfect!!

Wish us luck tomorrow...

Here are some photos from the past couple weeks I've taken on my phone:

Her little Ralph Lauren outfit

This shirt is actually a lime green and royal blue, NOT maize and blue. (do not worry Spartan fans)

Mama's first beer in, oh, about a year!

Our first baby-free night...and Daddy was asleep by 8:15 pm! (in his clothes, too!)

"Oh, you want to take my picture?!"

This one is my favorite :)

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