Monday, September 5, 2011

It's Labor Day and the due date

Today is it - the day we've been anxiously awaiting for the last 40 weeks. And here we are, with nothing to report :) They say that nearly 50% of women don't deliver by their due date, so I guess I don't feel that bad. Tomorrow morning I have a doctor appointment and then Thursday is induction day, so we will definitely meet Madelyn this week!

We've been laying pretty low lately, and have also been spending some QT with our families. We've spent several days/evenings with my parents and their dogs, and we enjoyed a lovely dinner with Martin's family last night. We also received a very large goodie bag with absolutely darling clothes from Martin's grandmother - the baby clothes in England are so very sweet!

This morning it looks like it might rain, which would be incredible. We have been experiencing record high temperatures with little to no rain for about the last month. It's been pretty miserable. (But hey, it's a dry heat, right?!) Our air conditioning decided to break on Saturday...about as convenient of a time to break as any :) It was 105 degrees outside, holiday weekend, and I'm full-term pregnant. Martin knew that I wouldn't last through the weekend without A/C, so he called right away and we were able to get it fixed within an hour. THANK GOODNESS!

This weekend marked a wonderful time - the start of college football season! MSU played on a Friday, which was rather strange. Living on the west coast, we've gotten used to waking up on Saturday morning and watching the games at 9 am, so to watch it on a Friday afternoon was a bit out of place. Nonetheless, it was football!!! We did our best to make it feel like tailgate in our house...chicken wings, mac and cheese, coleslaw, and beer (not for me, of course). I even sported my Michigan State jersey that I've had since 1996 - still fits! Looking forward to a fun season of football. So is Maddie. Here is some of the garb she has received to properly ring in the season:

Hope everyone has had a great holiday weekend!


Jen said...

Good luck this week!! I cant wait to see pictures of Madelyn!!

Auntie Julie said...

We know where these came from.....